Author: _golds

Pre Easter Zumba® Workout

It’s that time of year again when we are tempted with Cadburys Creme eggs and Hot cross buns and knowing that ‘a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips’, but never fear LouLou is here to give you your Pre Easter Zumba® Workout. With your pre Easter Zumba® Workout you will be… Read more »

Raising Money for Motor Neurone Disease

  A number of instructors including myself will be donating our time to teach our favourite tracks to raise money for this great cause.  The Zumbathon will be happening on Saturday 31st March at Valence Primary School, Bonham Road, Dagenham, RM8 3AR starting at 1pm – 5pm.  There will be Zumba, dancing, raffle, food and… Read more »

Spring is here……Lost 2lbs

The sun is shining and the spring collection are in the shops.  Losing weight is making it so much more fun to shop.  With my total weight loss now at 4 Stone 5 1/2 lbs I have 8 1/2 lbs to go to lose 5 stone……..can I get to 5 stone by summer? Two years… Read more »

Lost 11/2 pounds this week

What a week it has been. Preparing for this weekends trip to Wales with UFDance has not been easy.  When you are out and about shopping for a weekend away it is really easy to eat from those fast food shops or buy ‘healthy’ sandwiches when actually you buy those unhealthy ones. Tweeting what I… Read more »

4lb loser……Bye bye Haribo

Oh yes…..I’m getting back on track…….I lost 4lbs this week!!!  It sure has not been easy saying goodbye to Haribo but after getting on the scales last night I know it was worth it. How did I stay focused? Other than walking down the confectionery aisle of Tesco and cursing bad words at the biscuits, sweets and… Read more »

St Patrick’s Day is Coming……Party time!!

St Patrick’s Day this year falls on  Saturday 17th March and to celebrate we will be having a St Patrick’s Day Zumba® Party!!! Wednesday 14th March at Barking St Margaret’s Church, 8pm Thursday 15th March at Goodmayes Baptist Church, 7pm Dress code: Wear something Green or Fancy dress as a Leprechaun, Shamrock or something relating… Read more »

Love Haribo Sweets……….gained 6lbs

Oh yes it’s true, I gained 6lbs in one week and all thanks to the great taste of Haribo and Maoam sweets.  I totally got comfortable in treating myself especially since I’ve been ill… know, feed the cold stave the fever.  Anyway since watching Supersize vs Superskinny last night I have totally refocused. Watching how… Read more »

What is Zumba Toning?

What makes Zumba Toning different? In a nut shell, the main difference between a regular Zumba class and a Zumba Toning class is the addition and focus on strength training exercises within the dances, as well as the addition of toning sticks. This type of class will not give you the aerobic workout you know… Read more »

We’re booked …. Race for Life 2012!!!

I am so happy to announce that we will be taking part in the Race for Life 5k in Regents Park on Saturday 14th July this year.  I am so looking forward to it as we are going to dress up in as much pink stuff as we can and we are called the ‘East… Read more »

Still a loser…… Lost 2.5lbs

I am so happy, I’ve lost 2.5lb this week making my total to 4stone 4lbs…..What did I do? Well, I have not eaten a Banana for 3 years and I had one this week. Eating something different, that your body has not seen in a while, can help kick start your metabolism.  Zumba® is always… Read more »

Pancake Day – Try something different

It’s Pancake day on Tuesday and everyone wants toss pancakes and squeeze lemon juice all over them with sugar if you lucky.  In the back of your mind you know you pancakes mean calories and you know you deserve a treat but what about having something different that is a little lighter on calories?? Why not… Read more »


Oh yes, I’ve lost 1lb this week which takes my total to 4 stone 1.5lbs.  I’m on my way to the next stone. Is it easy to lose weight and stay focused………..hell no.  January has been a hard month to stay focused.  You know, the after Christmas snacks, the discount offers on the bad foods… Read more »

It’s half term….Party week

Zumba addicts in Essex!! Are you ready for party week? 14th – Single Ladies night – Wear Red, Pink or White 6pm Ladies only Zumba 7pm Zumba Toning 15th – Barking Launch Party Special launch price £2.50, come early to secure your place 16th – Lou Lou’s Birthday Party Join the party….special price £2.50 Guest… Read more »

Barking Launch – 15th February

Barking massive!!! Lou Lou’s getting ready for the launch party at St Margaret’s Church. Zumba Fitness starts at 8pm…..only 7 days to go…..Are You Ready to PARTY!!!

4 Stone Loser!!

It’s been made official by Slimming World. I am so happy……thank you all for your support. Next stop 5 Stone …… Do you reckon I can do it? With your help and Zumba I know I will. See you all tonight……Party time