Oh yes, I’ve lost 1lb this week which takes my total to 4 stone 1.5lbs.  I’m on my way to the next stone.

Is it easy to lose weight and stay focused………..hell no.  January has been a hard month to stay focused.  You know, the after Christmas snacks, the discount offers on the bad foods and the cold and dark nights that make you stay home and eat.  For me its been the support of my family and friends that has kept me going……even more so hearing other slimmers stories and tips on food has been a great motivator.

Now that the nights are getting brighter its reminding me that Spring is round the corner and the summer parties and holiday are on the horizon.

Zumba® has been a great way to keep fit and now Zumba Toning® is here to help shape our bodies to our ultimate goal.  I know we can do this together……are you with me?