We’re booked …. Race for Life 2012!!!

I am so happy to announce that we will be taking part in the Race for Life 5k in Regents Park on Saturday 14th July this year.  I am so looking forward to it as we are going to dress up in as much pink stuff as we can and we are called the ‘East London Zumba® Ladies’!!!

This is the fourth year that myself, sister, cousins and friends have done this event.  We have developed a group sponsorship page and we would value your sponsorship to this great cause.

My personal goal is to beat my previous time of 38mins (sshhh and to beat my sister) to complete the course.  As this is a new location, it would be a challenge.  I am planning to start my training at the Unity and Fitness weekender in Wales on 17th March.

Are you doing the Race for life this year?