Still a loser…… Lost 2.5lbs

I am so happy, I’ve lost 2.5lb this week making my total to 4stone 4lbs…..What did I do?

Well, I have not eaten a Banana for 3 years and I had one this week. Eating something different, that your body has not seen in a while, can help kick start your metabolism.  Zumba® is always a good workout, and now I have introduced Zumba Toning® which is letting my body do something different.  Doing regular muscular strength and muscular endurance training along with cardio can help increase your lean body mass which in turn can reduce your body fat percentage.  Enough of the science!

I am happy with my result and I especially happy as I know you are changing too.  I see how different you are, your body is changing.

Spring is on it way, the winter coats will soon come off……lets all change together…are you with me?