Author: _golds

Time of the month……..+2lbs

Lou +2 = 4lbs to go   Jo +2 = 13½lbs to go Ladies… know this is the one thing we struggle with every month.  When you don’t want it… appears just like the Tampax advert. LOL. For me this weight gain stayed for two weeks so I am on a mission to GET IT… Read more »

Over the moon…….lost 4lbs

Lou -4lbs = 2lbs to go          Jo +½lbs = 11½lbs to go Well well…..what a week. Completing Zumba Gold training, Dancing in Heels across the bridge Westfields Stratford shopping centre for New Look, to be rewarded with a 4lb loss (plus a new pair of heels) is the icing on the cake…. Read more »

Feeling focused……stayed the same

Lou – No change = 6lbs to go        Jo +½ = 11lbs to go After seeing that my weight did not change made me mad.  Instead of eating everything in sight I agreed with Jo that we will write down our meals this week.  I felt better after seeing Kim from Barking… Read more »

Chocolate Fudge cake equals 2lb gain

Lou +2lb = 6lbs to go     Jo no change = 10½ lbs to go Chocolate fudge cake and ice cream really did taste gorgeous……but as they say ‘a moment on the lips a lifetime on hips’…..and I sure paid the price with a 2lb gain 🙁 Fingers crossed I will do better this week…. Read more »

4lbs to go! Whoop whoop!

Lou -1 = 4lbs to go    Jo -3 = 10½ lbs to go Well done Jo for losing 3lbs this week.  Your loss shows that you can have fun, take a break from dieting and still get back on track and lose weight.  I am so proud of you girl 😉 The Cosmos meal… Read more »

I’m getting closer…….5lbs to go!

Lou -1½ = 5lbs to go    Jo +4½ = 13½ to go Gaining weight should not be upsetting as long as you know why.  Jo had a weekend away and drank three bottles of Champagne…… Champagne = 4½ lbs….’Simples’. The main thing is that she had a fabulous time. When I reach 5 Stone… Read more »

Wearing size 14……Happy Days

Lou Stayed the same 6½lbs to go      Jo -1 = 9lbs to go Even when the scales don’t move your body does change and for me I am now able to wear size 14 clothes.  Shopping now feels exciting… much choice…….its a new experience and I am enjoying every minute of it. Also… Read more »

Sun is shining……lost 1½ lbs

Lou -1½lbs = 6½ to go    Jo -2lbs = 10lbs to go It’s amazing what a change in weather can do.  Jo and I are now losing weight and feeling great as our hard work is now starting to pay off on the scales. My latest weight loss has brought my total to 4 ½… Read more »

Never give up……Lost 2lbs

Lou -2lbs = 8lbs to go  Jo stayed the same = 12lbs to go Motivation is the key to success.  Having friends and family to talk to or watching other peoples determination can keep you motivated.  I am watching The Biggest Loser USA and hearing their struggles and watching them overcome them and still lose… Read more »

Still positive…..gained 1½lbs

Lou + 1½ lbs = 10lbs to go  Jo + 2lbs  = 12lbs to go Booooo….I gained weight but my body is getting smaller……Woohoo!! The clothes in my wardrobe no longer fits and my knickers are falling off so I am still pushing forward with my goal despite what the scales say. I’ve started jogging… Read more »

Yo Yo weight loss….lost 1lb

Lou  -1lb = 8.5lb to go.  Jo +1lb = 10lbs to go It’s great to lose weight but frustrating when the numbers are not dropping off the way you want it to.  I was on the edge of giving up but after talking to my fitness mentors they showed me I needed a change…..something to… Read more »

Celebrations = 1lb gain = 9½ lbs to go

OMGosh, what a week.  I received confirmation that I passed my Exercise to Music (ETM) qualification, whoop whoop, and have not stopped celebrating since.  Not preparing meals, eating takeaways and having the odd glass of wine equals……weight gain, however I did give up carbonated drinks. My slimming companion, Joanne, lost 1½ lbs this week making her… Read more »

Lost 1 ½ lbs…..8 ½ lbs to go

Wow what a week its been, trying to stay away from chocolate has been sooooo difficult.  Although I bought Milkyway stars multipack as a treat, I also bought Wispa mini bites…..which was a BIG mistake as they are so moreish. Exercise has definitely been a big help this week, Zumba and the other Fitness classes… Read more »

Lost half a pound……10lbs to go.

Today is officially day one on the diet challenge.  At Slimming world, Joanne and I both have 10lbs to lose to reach our target weight and we decided that it would be fun to see who will lose 10lbs first. Personally I need this type of challenge to get me back on track as Easter was so… Read more »

It’s all about New Beginnings

Easter time is all about starting a new…..a second chance to focus on the resolutions set at New Year or create new ones and start again. For me two weeks ago I gained 3lbs and lost 1lb last week.  I got caught up in all the Easter hype of hot cross buns, mini eggs and… Read more »