I’m getting closer…….5lbs to go!

Lou -1½ = 5lbs to go    Jo +4½ = 13½ to go

Gaining weight should not be upsetting as long as you know why.  Jo had a weekend away and drank three bottles of Champagne……..so Champagne = 4½ lbs….’Simples’.
The main thing is that she had a fabulous time. When I reach 5 Stone I am going to go straight for the Rum 😉

Losing weight can give you lots of little surprises.  On Wednesday Kim from Weight Watches, Barking, has so far lost 109lbs (7Stone 7lbs).  She was so excited that when putting on her leggings she saw daylight between her legs.  I knew  exactly where she was coming from.  Being big everything touches and believe me when you see daylight you know you have reached a huge milestone.

I am so glad I am incorporating body conditioning to my Zumba® classes as it would help people like Kim to tone their bodies.