Author: _golds

It’s the Summer Holidays!

Summer Holidays are here and our fitness classes will be closing to enjoy the sunshine. Pilates classes are now closed and Zumba classes will be closing on Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th August. All classes will resume week commencing 8th September 2014 with the countdown to our Christmas parties and outfits!  Have a great Summer!

Awarded Runner-Up! Business Awards 2014

  I am over the moon to have been awarded ‘Runner-up’ in the business category of Sole Trader/Micro Business or E-business. Achieving this recognition for teaching Pilates in Barking and Dagenham means the world to me. The joy and passion I have for teaching fitness has been rewarded not only from the private sector business… Read more »

Finalist – Business Awards 2014!

I am pleased to announce that I have been selected as one of the finalist in the Barking and Dagenham Business Awards 2014 for Sole Trader/Micro business or e-business category! This is an amazing achievement to gain this type of recognition for setting up a business in fitness and delivering a service of Pilates, to… Read more »

Our Pilates Classes is Favourite at Netmums

Wow what a surprise! Members of Netmums have been voting over the past few months for their favourite adult class in their local area. Our Pilates class has been selected and was crowned local favourite ‘Classes for You’ in Barking and Dagenham!!!  Check us out on Netmums – Pilates Classes I am so happy to have… Read more »

Farewell Slimming World……

After 3 years, 2 months and 6 stone lighter I have decided to ditch the Slimming world scales. This decision was not easy, believe me, as I have enjoyed the food and recipes, consultants and the motivation from the groups, but I need to stop focusing on the numbers on the scales and focus on… Read more »

New Pilates course in Barking!

We are back with Pilates course at Barking Methodist Church and we have two classes to choose from:- Monday evening 6pm – 7pm 7pm – 8pm Price £8 drop in or £40 for a 6 week course Wednesday lunchtime 1.15pm – 2pm Price £6 drop in or £30 for a 6 week course   Email… Read more »

7lbs off in 3 weeks……….half a stone

Week 3.  I lost 1lb this week giving me a total of 7lbs weight loss so far. My 3 week journey could seem to others as easy, as I am working in fitness, but to be honest it is very challenging.  Balancing the food intake against the amount of exercise I do, listening to my… Read more »

Lost 3.5lbs…….without exercise

First week of 2014 and I am happy to say I lost 3.5 lbs this week. I decided to work on my diet first as I knew my eating habits was getting out of control. So I made some lovely low fat meals from Slimming World and tired…..yes tired my hardest not to eat the… Read more »

Happy New Year!!

1st January is here and it’s 2014!!! Time to put our New Years resolutions into action and work on getting the ‘New You’ for Spring and Summer! Zumba classes in Goodmayes start back on Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th January Pilates classes in Barking start back on Monday 6th and Wednesday 8th January Are you… Read more »

Overindulged………10lb gain

If you are feeling like me, stuffed and heavy after a wonderful Christmas dinner, attending all those Christmas parties and visiting friends and family for drinks nibbles. Don’t worry you are not alone. I braved the scales this morning and found that I gained 10lbs……….yes really 10lbs but I am determined to get myself back… Read more »

Today is Advent!

It’s so exciting……..1st December is here which means Advent starts today!  But for me, I decided to do it differently, instead of chocolate being behind each door I’m going to do a different exercise each morning for the next 24 days. This inspiration has come form Ed who has done an amazing job of abstaining… Read more »

Rewind the give up challenge……

Last month I agreed to do a challenge of no chocolate for 2 weeks with Ed, from the gym, who was going to give up bread. Unfortunately Ed was only able to last for 3 days.  His love bread was so great that he found it difficult to fully give it up without preparing himself…. Read more »

No more Chocolate until 31st October………

One of the guys…Ed…at the gym finds it hard to not to eat bread and wants to lose the last bit of weight so he can show off his six pack (typical).  So we made an agreement that if he gave up bread until 31st October I would join him and give up chocolate (going… Read more »

Have you heard of Pilates?

Pilates is an exercise that will help to improve your posture, improve flexibility, improve your balance and coordination as well as relieve stress and tension, help you sleep better  and will tone your body to give you a flatter tummy. I was absolutely amazed at what Pilates had done for me as I had been… Read more »

Making healthy snacks

Autumn is approaching and at this time of year all the chocolates and cakes come out in the offices as Christmas approaches and it is always hard to say no.  So why not make your own snacks? I made Guacamole and it only took a few minutes 1 Ripe Avocado Juice of half a lime… Read more »