7lbs off in 3 weeks……….half a stone

Week 3.  I lost 1lb this week giving me a total of 7lbs weight loss so far.

My 3 week journey could seem to others as easy, as I am working in fitness, but to be honest it is very challenging.  Balancing the food intake against the amount of exercise I do, listening to my cravings and figuring out how to satisfy them without grabbing an unhealthy snack.  Getting enough rest in the day and week to allow my body to recover, has been challenging to get the right balance. But I am getting there slowly.

The thing that I really enjoy is cooking.  Making meals using fresh ingredients, with each meal bursting with flavour and feeling fuller for longer is making me enjoy this journey even more.  The funny thing is other people smelling my food in the office and asking me for a taste cos it smells so good……….priceless.

Have you tried cooking a roast chicken without the skin on? Try it you might be surprised at how good it tastes.