After 3 years, 2 months and 6 stone lighter I have decided to ditch the Slimming world scales. This decision was not easy, believe me, as I have enjoyed the food and recipes, consultants and the motivation from the groups, but I need to stop focusing on the numbers on the scales and focus on… Read more »
Tag: Weight loss
7lbs off in 3 weeks……….half a stone
Week 3. I lost 1lb this week giving me a total of 7lbs weight loss so far. My 3 week journey could seem to others as easy, as I am working in fitness, but to be honest it is very challenging. Balancing the food intake against the amount of exercise I do, listening to my… Read more »
Lost 3.5lbs…….without exercise
First week of 2014 and I am happy to say I lost 3.5 lbs this week. I decided to work on my diet first as I knew my eating habits was getting out of control. So I made some lovely low fat meals from Slimming World and tired…..yes tired my hardest not to eat the… Read more »
Overindulged………10lb gain
If you are feeling like me, stuffed and heavy after a wonderful Christmas dinner, attending all those Christmas parties and visiting friends and family for drinks nibbles. Don’t worry you are not alone. I braved the scales this morning and found that I gained 10lbs……….yes really 10lbs but I am determined to get myself back… Read more »
Too much salt in diet….gained 2lbs
Soooo close but yet soooo far from completing my challenge. To gain 2lb by having too much salt in my diet is frustrating but I am glad I am able look back and figure out what has happened, correct it and start again. All is not lost as my body is still changing and my goal of… Read more »
The countdown has begun……lost 3lbs
I am delighted to kick start my challenge by losing 3lbs in two weeks. Setting myself this challenge has hard but it has definitely helped me stay focused as I am doing something that I love and enjoy which is dancing to good music. So, what did I do differently? I made meals that I’ve never… Read more »