Tag: Healthy eating

7lbs off in 3 weeks……….half a stone

Week 3.  I lost 1lb this week giving me a total of 7lbs weight loss so far. My 3 week journey could seem to others as easy, as I am working in fitness, but to be honest it is very challenging.  Balancing the food intake against the amount of exercise I do, listening to my… Read more »

Lost 3.5lbs…….without exercise

First week of 2014 and I am happy to say I lost 3.5 lbs this week. I decided to work on my diet first as I knew my eating habits was getting out of control. So I made some lovely low fat meals from Slimming World and tired…..yes tired my hardest not to eat the… Read more »

Overindulged………10lb gain

If you are feeling like me, stuffed and heavy after a wonderful Christmas dinner, attending all those Christmas parties and visiting friends and family for drinks nibbles. Don’t worry you are not alone. I braved the scales this morning and found that I gained 10lbs……….yes really 10lbs but I am determined to get myself back… Read more »

Making healthy snacks

Autumn is approaching and at this time of year all the chocolates and cakes come out in the offices as Christmas approaches and it is always hard to say no.  So why not make your own snacks? I made Guacamole and it only took a few minutes 1 Ripe Avocado Juice of half a lime… Read more »

Too much salt in diet….gained 2lbs

Soooo close but yet soooo far from completing my challenge.  To gain 2lb by having too much salt in my diet is frustrating but I am glad I am able look back and figure out what has happened, correct it and start again. All is not lost as my body is still changing and my goal of… Read more »

The countdown has begun……lost 3lbs

I am delighted to kick start my challenge by losing 3lbs in two weeks.  Setting myself this challenge has hard but it has definitely helped me stay focused as I am doing something that I love and enjoy which is dancing to good music. So, what did I do differently?  I made meals that I’ve never… Read more »