Oh wow…..trust me, I was not expecting a loss of 5.5kg (12lbs) in a week. It must be the rubber bands in my hair LOL So what did I do???
No alcohol – My holiday consisted of approx 10 – 12 cocktail berverages per day. Don’t judge me….I was on an all inclusive holiday LOL!! Since being back home I have not had a glass but I have been drinking green tea, a glass of warm lemon water every moning, plus about 2 litres of water a day.
Pizza!! – On top of my meals, I had about 4-6 slices of pizza per day. Whenever I am abroad, the food is much more fresher and better for my digestion and of course I indulged. Now that I am back home I am staying away from pizza and got myself back in the kitchen. My Kitchen is my happy place and this week I made a roasted aubergine curry with quinoa thanks to BBC GoodFood recipe.

Sweets, Cake and Biscuits – I have a huge sweet tooth and of course when I see something I like, vegan blueberry cake, vegan ice cream I dive right in. Eveyday I had a plate of the sweet stuff after lunch and dinner. I am planning on making a vegan berry crumble this weekend….a girls got to get her sweet fix LOL.
Being on holiday for me does not include doing any form of exercise except for walking around the city centres and surrounding areas. Fitness is my full time job and being on holiday is a time to escape the norm, however on this holiday I couldn’t resist doing a 30 minute stretch class for 6 out of the 13 days of my holiday.
As soon a I returned home I couldn’t wait to put my trainers back on. This week I went out jogging 3 times at a distance of 6km (3.7miles) each time. Each time my body felt alive again. Cardiovascular or areobic exercise has many health benefits, improved heart health, lower cholesterol and psychological benefits, improves mood and better sleep. These are some of the reasons why I love running and teaching Zumba classes. They are both great forms of cardiovascular and areobic exercise and during each I make sure I play the music I enjoy which makes it all the more fun.
A holiday is just a holiday, when you return home going back to the norm shouldn’t be hard or difficult to do. We all know alcoholic drinks are high in calories especially beer, wine and cocktails so why do most of us have a glass or two in the evenings? Reducing the amout you drink can significally reduce your calorie intake. If I can lose 5kg in a week……what can you acheive??
Start by changing one thing……what would you choose?
Next week it’s all about adding strength to my workouts. Time to get the weights out!!! Zumba Toning starts back at Goodmayes Baptist Church on Tuesday 11th September 7pm.
Time to tone the body for the festive party season……Watch this space!!