For the past few weeks I have been feeling rubbish….heavy, fatiqued, moody…you name it, I’ve felt it and today I said ‘ENOUGH!!’. Don’t get me wrong, I have been teaching, training and running but my food has been off the charts wrong.
Today I ran the New Years Day ParkRun 5km at Valentines Park in Ilford and with each step I took my body shook and I felt every pound of excess weight I have gained. My calfs were burning, my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest and I was heaving breathing and sweating buckets. When I crossed the finish line I knew I had done a slower time then normal and I was right…..31min 11sec.
Honestly I couldn’t wait to finish and get home which is not like me

When I got home I finially decided to get on the scales and see what I had done and it showed….in December I gained 8lbs…..and I can feel every single pound. So, it starts today….my mission on getting myself back on track.

For me it is not all about eating healthly, buying the right foods or exercising because I am already doing it, it’s about giving myself time…..time to rest…..time to allow myself and my body to let go of all the stresses and tension that enables my body to hold onto the weight and also makes me over eat.
So I am going to go back to practicing Meditiation. Meditating helped focus my mind and clear my state of mind so I can focus on myself and let everything and everyone else slot in around me.
Also I am going to be accountable on what and when I eat and ensure that I make meals that I can carry with me, on those busy days, instead of picking up quick and easy snacks on the move.
Finally I will be weighing and measuring myself every Wednesday, roughly around the same time to see my progress.
What are your plans? Will you join me and be accountable? Let’s work together and let me know your thoughts?