….is what I told myself on Saturday morning, and I finally got on those scales and weighed myself.
Disappointment was not the word I screammed when I saw my weight, but it made me stand up and look. Gaining nearly 2 stone in 8 months did not please me. For the first time since my original weight loss in 2011, I decided to measure myself. Waist, hips, bust, thighs and arms, as although we all focus on the numbers on the scales I wanted to get a better idea of how I am doing and this time by also watching my measurments.

So I put on my trainers, running clothes and finally went out and moved. I thought do a quick run around the park to the shops and walk back home. I can’t lie I struggled big time. Only managed one lap of the park (about 2.5k) and stopped about 5 times, but I came home with 2 bags of fresh vegetables which also doubles as a bit of strength training LOL.
As the New Year is fast approaching I looked back on 2017 and feel really grateful to the events of 2017. I met some lovely people within my Pilates and Zumba classes, collaborated with some great fitness companies, teaching Pilates to young children, got involved in another car accident and met another great physiotherapist.
Shockingly I know, I am grateful to the car accident. Not because I couldn’t work for 3 weeks, gained weight, but because it showed me how much I appreciate my body and my mind. Going through a trauma can have some big sideaffects on your mental health. For me teaching my classes kept me going as it gave me a focus on how much my fitness classes help people and how the people in the class help me. With the choices of music to the movements I use, fitness plays a massive role in supporting mental health.
So, 2018, I am really looking forward in what you have in store for me as I am ready to be stronger, mentally and physically, and get my body moving again.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!