Happy New Year!

We are now into our second week of January, so how are your New Years Resolutions going? I decided to reduce the amount of sugar I consume and so far it’s hasn’t been easy.

It’s not just sugar in my tea or stop eating chocolate and biscuits, I am cutting out foods that contain sugar which can also be hidden in foods such as white bread, white rice, processed foods, sugary drinks……yep it’s hard.

But good news, I have lost weight. I started at 82kg and now 80kg which is about 4.5lbs lost…..hard work does pay off so please don’t quit if you are feeling the strain. Also now that we are in January I thought it was about time I got my running trainers back on and out and start training for the 10k I will be doing for Race4Life in the summer. Yesterday I ran……well jogged…..for 2k and it was hard but I felt good afterwards.

Our Zumba fitness classes have now resumed in Goodmayes after the festive season break and we are pleased to announce that our Pilates classes will start back on 2nd February 2015 in Chadwell Heath.