Don’t you just love going on holiday? The excitement of being somewhere hot and sunny, the last minute clothes shopping, the last workout to lose those precious final pounds and finally travelling to the airport and boarding your flight. You have the best vacation ever, sunbathing, eating in resturants, drinking cocktails, partying untill all hours……..yep…that’s the life.
You return home, view your pics, jump on the scales and to see the damage all that excessive eating and drinking has done to your body………and you let out a deafing scream!!

I gained 4kg which is just under 9lbs during my holiday and seeing it on the dashboard was such shock….I nearly had a heart attack. Then I realised my eating habits over my 9 day holiday wasn’t my usual. So I am now ready to take control, get myself back in the kitchen and work those extra pounds off.
With my love of food, today is batch cooking day. Buying fresh ingredients with my prepared shopping list, I will batch cook my meals, portion them out for the week. This will keep me focused and stop me from buying quick and easy preprepared meals from the shops.
With 16 weeks until Christmas, 13 weeks until feastive party season starts…..I am on a mission to get my body back into shape and into that party outfit.
To keep me focused and motivated I am going to share my plans and update you on my progress. To start, here are two of the meals that I will be making this week Eggplant (Aubergine) Bolognese Sauce and Lentil, Sweet Potato & Coconut Curry.
So let the healthy eating, exercise regime, positive mental attitude start today and not tomorrow. Who’s with me???