I honestly can’t believe it…..I’ve done it…..it’s been 7 years and 10 months but I actually done it…..From 18 stone, I am now 10 stone something!!!!!!! (69.8kg = 10st 10lbs)

These last 7 years have not been plain sailing. There have been many emotional challenges such as, age, relationships, work, food but the one thing I did not do is let those challenges consume me and give up. When you know what you want and decide that you really want it, nothing should get in your way. We are human and things in your life do set us back, but the key is to stop, take a moment and take that one step forward again.
I know a lot of you want to lose weight yesterday but believe me the slower and more consistant you lose weight, the more you will keep it all the weight you lose off your body. The last few weeks has been a steady 2lb a week and today, 7 years on I have done it!!

I am on cloud nine!!! I am proud to say I am 10 stone!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s been an amazing journey and I don’t know what is going to happen next but what I do know is that I am happier than I have been in my 42 years of life. It’s going to be a great weekend as I am going to celebrate with a glass and my favourite Hortus Rhubarb and Ginger Gin liquer and attend the amazing Instructor only Pilates session with JPilates team.
OMG I going to need new clothes too…shoes LOL…it is so great reaching your goals….cheers everyone! 😉